Curriculum Vitae/Resume

years of IT experience

Professional Experience

March 2023 - Today
FAIT Internet Software GmbH - - Vienna, AT

DevOps Engineer

This new professional challenge arose from the WunderBaren (wonderful) collaboration with Robert Wunderer.
As a DevOps Engineer I fulfill the following 2 main tasks.

Building a new cloud infrastructure
I am responsible for the planning/architecture and implementation of the new cloud infrastructure.
On the one hand, I am able to incorporate my accumulated experience in cloud technologies and, on the other hand, I have the opportunity to look at, try out and use new technologies for optimal implementation.

Support of the old infrastructure
In addition I also manage the maintenance of the old software infrastructure.
My tasks include ...
  • the monitoring and maintenance of all software components and servers.
  • the communication with the development team regarding the coordination of new software releases.
  • the collaboration with the development team regarding the analysis and resolution of reported software problems.
  • the migration of all necessary data and software components into the new cloud infrastructure.

Technologies used
Scaleway-Cloud, Kubernetes (Flux, Kustomize, Docker, OpenTelemetry, etc.), Terraform, Ansible, S3, GitLab CI/CD, PHP, HTML/CSS, Node.js/JavaScript, MySQL, IntelliJ, Typo3, Chef/Cinc, Linux, etc.

January 2023 - Today
Robert Wunderer - capriSys GmbH - - Groißenbrunn, Lower Austria/Vienna, AT

Collaboration with Robert Wunderer (capriSys)

Creation of a WunderBaren (wonderful) collaboration with Robert Wunderer.

Robert Wunderer's expertise in the area of DevOps was already of great value at TEKAEF. Out of this professional and friendly commitment, the idea of supporting each other in the future was born.

You can find out more about it here.

November 2006 - August 2021
ACP TEKAEF GmbH - - Ried im Innkreis/Hohenzell, Upper Austria, AT

IT All-Rounder

In my 15 years at TEKAEF, as an IT all-rounder I was entrusted with the following tasks.

2020 - 2021: E-Commerce Project Manager
The in-house development of the shop software was replaced by another shop system. In this project, I accompanied the migration from the old to the new system until the new shop went live.

2017 - 2020: Development, Team & Project Manager
As main person responsible for the in-house development of a procurement software solution I was assigned with development, team & project management tasks.
I was allowed to independently put together my team of software developers. So within a short time we were a powerful 7-person team. We were able to develop numerous features in only 3 years using the latest cloud technologies. Not only our colleagues and partners, but also our customers were thrilled about this achievement.

2006 - 2017: E-Commerce, Web & Windows Software Developer
At the beginning of this long-lasting partner and friendship I was appointed to the in-house development of a new shop software, which I was able to complete enough in just 1.5 years to replace an old PHP/MySQL shop system.
In this (short) time I managed to recreate all the features and go live with a significantly improved version of the old shop system. Over the course of the following years, the new solution was continually expanded (with functionalities and designs) and adapted to the requirements of the TEKAEF Group and its customers.

Alongside, I was also responsible for the development of numerous websites, landing pages and small Windows apps.

All of this was implemented for the following companies and brands of the TEKAEF Group and their partners:
  • TEKAEF, BÜROLeben, T-MediaGroup, MediaCard
  • Printberry, MAPE, MAPE4You, MAPE Distribution, B2B INK, Company Shopping
  • HP (Hewlett-Packard), HERMA, etc.

2006 - 2016: IT Technician
In addition to my engagement as a software developer, one of my duties was also the representative support of the entire IT landscape (network, server, ERP system, etc.) of the TEKAEF Group.

Technologies used
PHP, MySQL, Adobe Photoshop
AWS-Cloud, Micro-Services, Kubernetes, Java/Spring, Angular, MySQL/PostgreSQL, Redis, Rabbit-MQ, Camunda-BPM/-Workflows, GitLab, IntelliJ, SAP & Ariba, Linux, etc.
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (ASP .NET, C# & .NET Framework), HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Microsoft-SQL-Server
Microsoft-Dynamics-ERP, SAP/Hybris E-Commerce, Mulesoft (ESB), Seeburger (EDI), Windows

March 2004 - Today
baroso Software Entwicklung e.U. - - Esternberg, Upper Austria, AT

Self-Employed Software Developer

On March 1st, 2004 the one-man business baroso Software Entwicklung e.U. was founded.
The focus is meanwhile in the professions of DevOps, Software Development, Web-Apps and E-Commerce.

Long-term projects
Since 2003/2004 the following long-term projects have been implemented, which are ...
  • ... still being maintained and developed to this day.
    • 2010: Holzeisstock - high-quality wooden curling sticks (shop) -
    • 2008: SMBS - Star Movie Buchungs-System, booking system for cinema advertising (web app) -
    • 2003: FTZ - Fahr-Trainings-Zentrum - planning system for safety-driving lessons (web app):
    • 2004: baroso-Verwaltung - Own accounting software for one-man businesses (web app)
    • Numerous websites - some with CMS system (in-house development)
  • unfortunately no longer used.
    • 2008: GASO - Gastronomie-Abrechnungs-SOftware, gastronomy billing software (web app)
    • 2005: SMPA - Schmidbauer Maschinenputz PArtieabrechnung - employee accounting software (web app)
    • 2004: JKHairStyle - customer management system for Jobst Kopfarbeit (Windows app) - jobst-kopfarbeit .at
    • 2003: Driving training Steininger - planning system for driving safety training (web app) -
    • 2003: TransferMarkt/InnBall - soccer online system for players/coaches transfers, trainings planning & community (web app)
    • Numerous websites - some with CMS system (in-house development)

Technologies used
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (ASP .NET, C# & .NET Framework), HTML/CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Microsoft-SQL-Server, MySQL, Adobe Photoshop, Shopware, Shopify, WordPress, Windows & Linux

June 2002 - August 2003
Enovativ Internet & Multimedia - Ried im Innkreis, Upper Austria, AT

Web Software Developer & IT Technician

Development of a variety of different Internet apps and web pages.

While programming these applications, I was also occupied with the design tasks. Although I was able to add a lot to the design myself by using Photoshop, my task was rather the smooth implementation of the screen designs into the finished Internet application (web page). Here, of course, the close collaboration and communication with the graphic artists/designers was crucial for the smooth process up to the go-live.

IT Technician
My areas of responsibility also included looking after the company network and the Internet servers.

Technologies used
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (ASP .NET, C# & .NET Framework), HTML/CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Microsoft-SQL-Server, Microsoft-Access, MySQL, XML, Adobe Photoshop, Windows XP & Server

January 2002 - May 2002
MSG Systems AG - - Passau, DE

SAP Developer

Training in the SAP/R3 system and especially its development environment for ABAP/4.
Professional introduction to the reinsurance system and at the same time the exercise of the acquired knowledge on the SAP reinsurance software component of MSG Systems AG.
Development of some test apps in ABAP/4 for SAP/R3.

Technologies used

September 2000 - December 2001
Segue Software Development GmbH (Borland) - - Linz, Upper Austria, AT & Boston, MA, USA

Web Software Developer & Technical Product Documentation

Training and self-study of the Segue software products - SilkPerformer, SilkVision, SilkRadar, etc.
Planning, design and programming of an intranet website, which was also used as an internal communication platform.
Technical Product Documentation (in English) of various products (mainly SilkPerformer).

Intranet Website
During the planning phase of the intranet website, various content management systems were also considered. However, after thorough evaluation, an in-house development was preferred.

The following functionalities were developed for the intranet - news corner, product build information system, department areas, food ordering, computer management, process check list, organizational chart (organizational structure, employee information, telephone lists, etc.), product Palette, document management, search engine (AltaVista), photo gallery (company events), administration functionalities, etc.
The existing Java classes of the web products (SilkVision, SilkRadar), which were adapted and expanded for intranet development, served as a template for the Java part of the intranet.

Technical Product Documentation
The technical documentation of the various software products (mainly SilkPerformer) required precise technical know-how of the products themselves. Moreover, the communication with the developers also played a very important role. The only language used was English, although the developers' documentation was primarily written in German.

The documentation was generated in the following formats - online help (HTML), book form (PDF), context-sensitive help and various other formats (Word, Excel, etc.).

Technologies used
Java, Microsoft-ASP, XML, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Microsoft-SQL
RoboHelp, Adobe FrameMaker & Acrobat

March 1999 - August 2000
Fabasoft Gruppe - - Linz, Upper Austria, AT

Web Software Developer

Training and self-study of the Fabasoft software product - Fabasoft-Components.
Development of the following 3 web projects.

Fabasoft-Components Web Client
Development of a Fabasoft-Components web client, which should contain the complete functionality of the Fabasoft-Components 32bit Windows client. Microsoft IE, Netscape and Opera (as an alternative) were used as Internet browsers. The web client communicated with Fabasoft-Components via COM interfaces and was implemented using Microsoft-ASP, HTML and JavaScript.
WEB-DAV technology was also used for editing and locking objects used in Fabasoft-Components. An IIS filter and an IIS server extension were developed for this purpose, which served as interfaces between Fabasoft-Components and WEB-DAV.

This web app was offered to customers as a product by Fabasoft.

Fabasoft Website
Complete functional and partly graphical design of the Fabasoft website.

Fabasoft-Components was used as storage and synchronization medium for this homepage. Through this, the high-frequency updates of the HTML pages should be carried out as easily, quickly and cost-effectively as possible. Some functionalities were developed using Microsoft-ASP, HTML and Fabasoft-Components web apps.
Many HTML pages were created using Active Reports, a tool developed in Fabasoft-Components for the dynamic generation of HTML files based on JavaScript and VBScript.

VAPP - Fabasoft Professional Services
Development of a VAPP (virtual application or web application) for the Fabasoft professional services (support, consulting, etc.).

The basic functionality of this was partially reused from the Fabasoft website. It was intended to replace an old web app and thus make it easier and quicker to access for Fabasoft partners.
VAPP is an interface (COM component) developed in Fabasoft-Components which is used to dynamically display objects out of Fabasoft-Components on the Internet. This COM component generates HTML from the objects, which is then transported to the client via IIS. The presentation could be changed via CSS. Here too, as with the web client, WEB-DAV was used.

At that time, all of Fabasoft's Internet projects were implemented with the help of the VAPP technology.

Technologies used
Microsoft-ASP, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, VBScript, Web-DAV, COM-Schnittstellen, Microsoft-SQL-Server, Oracle, Informix, Seagate Crystal Reports, Microsoft-IIS, Windows 2000 & Linux

December 1997 - February 1999
General Dynamics - GTE Government Services DSSO TAS - Polaris - - Washington DC, USA Position as Consultant by Adecco TAD Technical - - Sterling, VA, USA

Windows & Web Software Developer

Planning and development of the RSDSS (Remote Service Delivery Support System) enterprise app, which was used as a help desk and remote diagnostics tool and was developed by GTE for various US defense departments worldwide (Army, Navy, Air Force, DIA, etc.).

This software included a glitch detection system that recorded, identified, classified and processed a number of new and foreseeable problems in Unix OS, Windows-NT OS and other software and hardware systems until a solution to the problem is found.
It monitored hardware and software problems from one or more locations and managed their resolution. Additionally, users have been enabled to submit problem reports and query status reports via web browser.
CGI-Expert and ISAPI components were used to implement the web processes. This application has also been developed for various RDBMS databases such as Oracle, Sybase, SQL-Server, Informix, etc., which have been used in many of these US defense departments.

  • Design and development of the following RSDSS components (Connection-Manager, Queue-Manager and Gate-Keeper).
  • Independent development of a Windows-NT remote diagnostic object for Gate-Keeper. Evaluation of data from Windows data sources (registry, event logs, services, Dll/Exe/Sys/Vxd files) and Windows hardware and software configurations.
  • Independent development of an application for collecting and further processing of all Windows-NT error messages.
  • Development of Dll and OLE automation servers.
  • Draft a software architecture documentation for the entire RSDSS enterprise app.
  • Documentation of the RSDSS database through several entity-relationship diagrams.
  • Design and development of the RSDSS help web page.
  • RSDSS software support.

Technologies used
Delphi 3.0-5.0 , C++, Perl, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Fox Pro, Microsoft-SQL-Server, Oracle, Informix, Seagate Crystal Reports, Windows 95 & NT 4.0

July - December 1997
Twelve Gates - Washington DC & San Antionio, TX, USA

Windows Software Developer

Development of a new 32-bit Windows business app for the natural products trading company - Twelve Gates.

  • Inventory control with search, administration and editing features.
  • Invoice construction module with automatic inventory refreshing.
  • Automatic reordering mechanism for products that fall below a certain quantity.
  • Customer history and automatic callback suggestion for unpaid invoices.
  • Monthly activity report and annual summary.
  • Import features for all data from the old MS-DOS app.

Technologies used
Delphi 3.0, Paradox-5.0, Windows 95

December 1996 - December 1997
American Communications Company (American Systems Corporation) - - Washington DC, USA

Electronics & Internet Technician

Training as Electronics & Internet Technician for setting up, installing, testing and maintaining the Internet service equipment for AT&T.

This involved a 7-month journey across the USA, to AT&T telephone buildings, in 35 cities and 9 states.

Intensive training at an Internet network system test station.
  • AT&T Worldnet equipment (routers, edge vehicles, modems, T1 and T3 lines, SMC cards, hubs, power reset controllers, DSX panels, Ethernet patch panels, uninterrupted power supplies).
  • System inter-bay cabling (from modem, hub, router, edge vehicle and network cabinets, Krone block to Krone block connections, Octal-Sync, SMC, UPS, in-band and out-of-band cabling systems).
  • Installation of telephone connections for modems.
  • Practice and perfect tying techniques on cables, and labeling of systems & cables.
  • Execution of targeted tests on the equipment (T1 and T3 synchronization tests, tests on inter-bay and 10BaseT cables, tests on telephone connections).
  • Search and eliminate possible sources of errors.
  • Execution of work with reference to a Method-of-Procedure document (MoP).
  • Conversion of the test installation from the test to the working environment.
  • Laying, terminating, polishing and testing fiber optic cables for an AT&T Worldnet backbone equipment (OC3 & OC12).
  • Study networking (TCP/IP) and basic network device configuration.

Building a digital network for the U.S. Department of State.
  • Installing routers, digital switches (which are connected to the routers via fiber optic cables), fiber optic patch panels, Ethernet patch panels, alarm systems and UPS systems.
  • Error-free and neat laying of cables in the cabins.
  • Connecting all cabins to each other to prepare the entire network for the tests (numerous UNIX and Windows-NT servers were also integrated).

Manufacturing of DDM and Sonoplex cabins for Bell Atlantic's digital network.

September 1996 - December 1997
Washington DC, USA

Continuing Education - Software Development

Continuing Education in Software Development, through guidance and examining by my stepfather.
Creation of various Windows apps (calculators, gambling software, etc.)

Technologies used
Delphi 3.0, Windows 95

August 1996 - February 1999
Washington DC, USA


Residence for 2.5 years in the USA, with my mother, stepfather and 4 siblings.

August 1995 - April 1996
Hessen-Kaserne - Wels, AT

Military Service

Completed Military service with the Austrian Armed Forces.

July - August 1994
The Washington Times - - Washington DC, USA

Printing- & IT Technician

Summer job with a focus on the following areas of the publication process of a monthly magazine "The World & I".

  • Introduction to the editing, publishing and printing process.
  • Get familiar with the graphical editing tools.
  • Introduction to the function of a computer system in a large organization and its IT department.
  • Studying and testing the software integrated into the production process.
  • Training in the printing shop (electronic image integration and verification).
  • Training in all areas of the publishing process (electrical engineering, electronics and computer technologies).

1991 - 2004

Green Card

Work and residence permit for the USA.

Qualifications, Schools and Continuing Education

2000 - Today
On- & Offline, AT & Europa

Continuing Education, Conferences & Workshops

  • Continuing education through research on the Internet (blogs, communities, learning platforms such as Pluralsight & Udemy, etc.) and reading of technical books/magazines on the following topics:
    • DevOps (cloud systems, Kubernetes, Git, Linux, etc.)
    • Software Development (software architecture, interfaces, etc.)
    • Web-apps (latest web technologies)
    • E-Commerce (latest shop/CMS and PIM systems, interfaces, etc.)
  • Attending various conferences:
  • Attending workshops on subject-specific software:
    • ERP (Microsoft Dynamics, SAP, etc.)
    • ESB/EDI (Mulesoft, Seeburger, etc.)
    • E-Commerce/Procurement (SAP/Hybris, Ariba, etc.)

1999 - 2000
Europa & USA

Courses, Seminars & Conferences

  • Training for MCSE in Linz, Upper Austria, AT
  • Java seminar at the Johannes Keppler University in Linz, Upper Austria, AT
  • Microsoft TechEd in Dallas, TX, USA and Amsterdam, NL
  • Microsoft WinSummit in Davos, CH
  • Training seminars for Fabasoft components programming at Fabasoft in Linz, Upper Austria, AT

1997 - 1998
Prince George’s Community College - Maryland, USA

College Attendance

Completed courses:

  • Advanced English
  • Computer Programming-I in C
  • Computer Programming-II in C
  • Computer Science (algorithms, etc.) in C++

HTBLA - Braunau am Inn, Upper Austria, AT

Graduation from the Technical School for Electronics, Communications Engineering & Computer Science

1991 - 1995
HTBLA - Braunau am Inn, Upper Austria, AT

Technical School for Electronics, Communications Engineering & Computer Science

Project works (1994 - 1995):

  • Complete planning and development of a soldering device
  • Complete planning and development of an AC & DC transformer

1983 - 1991
Natternbach, Upper Austria, AT

Elementary- and Middle School